Thursday 22 September 2011

Re: A NEED FOR A NEW DEMOCRACY AND A NEW GROWTH MODEL Euromed: Democracymeans supporting civil society

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From: "PressEESC" <>
Sender: "Juchem Isolde" <>
Date: Thu, 22 Sep 2011 13:26:19 +0200
Subject: A NEED FOR A NEW DEMOCRACY AND A NEW GROWTH MODEL Euromed: Democracy means supporting civil society


22 September 2011





Euromed: Democracy means supporting civil society



Euromed: Democracy means supporting civil society



Since December 2010, popular uprisings in North Africa and the Middle East have led to a historic shift in the region, which has involved the active participation of all social strata and numerous civil society organisations.


In light of these developments, the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) adopted an opinion on "Promoting representative civil societies in the Euromed region" at its 474th plenary session on 21 September 2011. There is no doubt about the political character of this opinion, which will be presented in the Euromed Summit of Economic and Social Councils and Similar institutions. "The EESC can play an active role in the new European Framework for cooperation with Mediterranean communities by supporting the capacity building efforts of independent and representative civil society. We can use our expertise in social dialogue and economic and social rights", explained Mr Dimitriadis (Employers Group, Greece), the rapporteur for this opinion.


Furthermore, as civil society's EU-level representative, the EESC can greatly help by advising national economic and social councils on participatory democracy and strengthening dialogue between employers and workers in the region. "The Euromed NGO symposium", held at the EESC in September 2011, this year's exploratory missions undertaken in Morocco and Tunisia, and the upcoming visits to Lebanon and Egypt are good examples of the EESC's active implementation of its cooperation with civil society from the Mediterranean countries. The Euromed Civil Society Summit that will be organised by the EESC in Istanbul in November will put together the conclusions of those activities with the aim of fostering cooperation at regional level.



EESC calls for a new growth model in the Euromed region



On 21 September 2011, theEESC adopted an opinion on the energy model and an information report on rural development, key elements for shaping a new Euromed society.



Rural development and employment in the Euromed region


"In Egypt 45% of income in rural areas comes from work in the public sector and in Morocco 87% of farm workers have no agricultural training at all. In order to bring growth to the people a radical structural reform is needed" said Mr Narro, rapporteur for the EESC opinion (Various Interests Group)


The uprisings in the region have not only highlighted abuses by dictators, but have also drawn attention to the urgent need for economic and social development in rural areas. "In Algeria 90% percent of the population live in 10% of the territory, which corresponds to urban areas near the coast." mentioned the rapporteur in order to illustrate the abandonment of rural areas. 


Food insecurity and high food prices are set to remain a problem in the region. For the EESC, the ideal solutions are: training, technology and innovation, without forgetting the reshaping of traditional sectors such as tourism and agriculture. Therefore, sector-based strategies supported at local, regional and national level must be implemented.



The promotion of renewable energies and the European Neighbourhood Policy: the case of the Euro-Mediterranean region


In January 2011 the European Commission decided to consult the EESC on the economic and social impact of renewable energy development, taking the example of the Mediterranean region.


The main message of the exploratory opinion adopted at the plenary session is the need for a coordinated approach towards renewable energies in the Euromed region, following the model of co-development. The Mediterranean's ecosystem is fragile and deteriorating due to economic growth and rampant urbanisation, and a "New Green Deal" is therefore needed for the region.


According to Mr Coulon, rapporteur for the opinion (Employees Group), a first step has already been taken: "We welcome the European Commission's initiative in rethinking its Mediterranean approach and advocating structured and reinforced cooperation, in which renewable energies are a key element". This approach should take into account not only the promotion of renewable energies, but also improved energy efficiency, network connections and interoperability.


"The social and economic risks stemming from rising supply costs and the repercussions for the energy bills of countries, households and businesses could intensify sharply as a result", warned Mr Buffetaut, co-rapporteur for the opinion (Employers Group).


For more information:

Antonio Santamaria Pargada

Press Officer

European Economic and Social Committee

+32 2546 9779




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Re: EESC President's Declaration in response to the financial crisis: Wemust exit the crisis and get the EU back on track

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From: "PressEESC" <>
Sender: "Juchem Isolde" <>
Date: Thu, 22 Sep 2011 09:14:34 +0200
Subject: EESC President's Declaration in response to the financial crisis: We must exit the crisis and get the EU back on track


22 September 2011


EESC President's Declaration in response to

the financial crisis:


We must exit the crisis and get the EU back on track



In light of the financial crisis and the budgetary situation in some EU Member States, the President of the European Economic and Social Committee:


-         expresses deep concern about the current situation, wants to see substantive action by the president of the European Commission and the Member States to address the threat currently weighing on Europe. The Committee's President calls for the measures intended to ensure a return to inclusive and sustainable growth and already agreed by the European Union institutions and the Member States to be applied;


-         reiterates its confidence in the euro as a political venture that is vital to the future of the European Union and gives its full support to an enhanced European Financial Stabilisation Mechanism and to restoring own resources for the European budget, in particular a tax on financial transactions;


-         recognises the need for structural reforms in the Member States and supports the European Commission's key and expanding role in providing back-up and guidance, especially with respect to the euro-area members facing the greatest difficulties and taking account of the need to guarantee the future of the European social market economy. Dialogue with the social partners and respect for their autonomy are vital and necessary for these reforms;


-         strongly urges the European Union and its leaders to announce, without delay, significant measures to strengthen the European Union's economic governance. At the same time, it is vital to strengthen European political and economic integration. An ambitious investment and employment support policy is needed, the future must be prepared for generations to come and the most vulnerable social groups must be protected. Structural reform alone is not a solution and risks pushing Europe headlong into a period of recession;


-         is convinced that the EESC members, together with social, economic and civil society stakeholders must join forces to play a pro-active role in this new drive to get Europe moving again. These are the best ways to recover a competitive, social and sustainable Europe;


-         advocates the launch of Eurobonds in order, among other things, to give a boost to investments, and any instruments that will affirm solidarity within the European Union and give proof of the EU's political commitment to the irreversibility of the euro.


The President of the European Economic and Social Committee is pledged to a strong, sustainable Europe that is a source of hope for its people.






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From: "PressEESC" <>
Sender: "Juchem Isolde" <>
Date: Thu, 22 Sep 2011 11:13:28 +0200


22 September 2011





On 21 September, the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) approved two opinions to enforce the fundamental rights of EU citizens and combat the exclusion of people with disabilities. Following the Treaty of Lisbon, the Charter of Fundamental Rights has become primary legislation, and the EU must react accordingly.


During its September plenary session, the EESC gave the green light to two opinions, on the "European Disability Strategy 2010-2020" and on the "Strategy for the Charter of Fundamental Rights. Both texts are intended to combat discrimination and social exclusion in Europe and defend the fundamental rights of EU citizens. Furthermore, the EESC warns against any cuts in social expenditure due to austerity measures in times of crisis.


Strategy for the effective implementation of the Charter of Fundamental Rights


"It is time to defend citizens' rights at EU level. The implementation of the Charter of Fundamental Rights offers a unique opportunity to bring fundamental rights into the mainstream in the EU Institutions", said Gabriele Bischoff, rapporteur of the EESC's opinion and Member of the Employees' Group.


The EESC wants to strengthen the culture of fundamental rights at EU level and ensure that the Charter is observed also at national level, in particular in respect of social rights. Furthermore, the EESC believes that the legally-binding obligation to promote fundamental rights must lead to concrete activities. Citizens should be aware of their new rights under EU legislation.


"It is of the utmost importance that the participatory aspect of civil society be given a major boost when implementing the Charter of Fundamental Rights", added Cristian Pîrvulescu, co-rapporteur of the EESC's opinion and Member of the Other Interests' Group.


European Disability Strategy 2010-2020: A Renewed Commitment to a

Barrier-Free Europe


"One sixth of Europeans is a person with disabilities, and 70% are among the poorest persons in Europe. The disability strategy presented by the European Commission is a step in the right direction for persons with disabilities. On the whole, the Commission proposes a new approach to implement the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities ratified by the EU in December 2010, therefore legally binding. If fully implemented, the strategy could be of benefit to 80 million Europeans with disabilities", said Ioannis Vardakastanis, rapporteur of the EESC's opinion and Greek Member of the Other Interests' Group.


The EESC calls for the development of effective instruments to implement the UN Convention including the creation of a Disability Committee in the EU. The EESC is determined to extend the legal protection of the rights of persons with disabilities beyond the field of employment. Issues relating to disability must always be taken into account when developing and implementing social legislation and policies. Furthermore, a barrier-free Europe must be achieved through the adoption of a European Accessibility Act and the accessibility of public sector websites by 2015.



For more information:


Alejandro Izquierdo López

Press Officer

European Economic and Social Committee

+32 2546 9406  





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Wednesday 21 September 2011

Comunicat - „Enescu îşi ia rămas bun – O simfonie pentru 12 Instrumente”

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From: "Embassy of Romania, Press Office" <>
Date: Tue, 20 Sep 2011 18:26:29 +0100
To: Embassy of Romania, Press Office<>
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Subject: Comunicat - „Enescu îşi ia rămas bun – O simfonie pentru 12 Inst rumente"

„Enescu îşi ia rămas bun – O simfonie pentru 12 Instrumente"


Ambasada României la Londra / La 19 septembrie 2011, Ambasadorul României la Londra, Dr Ion Jinga, a participat la concertul „Enescu îşi ia rămas bun – O simfonie pentru 12 Instrumente", susţinut de orchestra de cameră „London Schubert Players" şi invitaţii acestora la Kings Place.


Concertul este parte a proiectului „Invitaţie pentru Compozitori", o idee originală a pianistei Anda Anastasescu, fondator şi director artistic al orchestrei „London Schubert Players".


„Invitaţie pentru compozitori" este unul dintre cele 87 de proiecte selectate de Comisia Europeană dintr-un număr de 298 de aplicaţii pentru perioada 2009-2011. Proiectul este realizat în parteneriat de asociaţia „London Schubert Players", Institutul Cultural Român de la Paris şi Asociaţia Info Manager din România, cu sprijinul Ambasadei României la Londra şi al Institutului Cultural Român – Londra.


Concertul a inclus, în prima parte, creaţii ale marelui compozitor român George Enescu din ultimii ani de viaţă, prezentate la Londra în premieră. In partea a doua, au fost interpretate trei dintre creaţiile inspirate de George Enescu aparţinînd tinerilor compozitori Aurelian Bacan din România, Bjørn Bolstad Skjelbred din Norvegia şi Jonathan Östlund din Suedia. 


In deschiderea concertului, Ambasadorul României s-a adresat audienţei: „Sunt încântat să mă aflu în seara aceasta alături de dumneavoastră la un nou concert din cadrul proiectului „Invitaţie pentru Compozitori". Acest proiect original aparţine unei românce - talentata pianistă Anda Anastasescu - care este, totodată, o reprezentantă de marcă a culturii muzicale din Londra. Vom avea privilegiul de a asculta un concert deosebit, inspirat de ultimele, dar poate unele dintre cele mai valoroase creaţii ale lui George Enescu, scrise la Paris în amurgul vieţii acestuia. Doresc să salut, totodată, prezenţa alături de noi a unui tânăr şi talentat compozitor român, domnul Aurelian Bacan, şi să-l felicit pentru contribuţia sa la acest exerciţiu de creativitate."


Bianca Mina
First Secretary
Embassy of Romania
4 Palace Green
London W8 4QD
tel: 020 79379669
fax: 020 79378069

Monday 19 September 2011

Kind reminder London Schubert Playest at Kings Place 19 September at 20.00

The London Schubert Players and Anda Anastasescu, the Quatuor Enesco from Paris and Musica Nova from Bilbao, would be delighted to see you next Monday 19 September at 8pm at our very special concert in the magnificent Kings Place arts centre.
It is a tribute to our remarkable European Union project, Invitation to Composers, and to its connection with George Enescu's last work, his beautiful and transcendental Chamber Symphony for 12 Solo Instruments (piano, flute, oboe, cor anglais, clarinet, bassoon, horn, trumpet, violin, viola, cello, double bass) that Kings Place became interested in our concert and is hosting it.
At 6.30 pm, in St Pancras Room there will be a free lecture by the distinguished professor, author and journalist Noel Malcolm, Enescu's biographer. Please join us for the lecture and concert which will present Enescu's Chamber Symphony for the first time in Britain ! Enescu wrote it on his deathbed and the result is a poignant testimony to his pain, regret and acceptance of his imminent mortality. The work bears similarities with the great aria of the Sphinx from his opera Oedipe in the dark and foreboding atmosphere of the Scherzo and the Adagio; but the trajectory of the work travels from darkness to light and the last movement is a combustion of light and free spirit.                             
Along the symphony you will hear some charming chamber music miniatures written by Enescu for piano trio, solo violin accompanied by strings and piano, and for the unusual combination of piano duet and solo violin.
The second half is dedicated to three works inspired by Enescu:
A Northern Symphony by Jonathan Östlund (Sweden, 1975 -) 
As I listen to Enescu's chamber symphony with its beautiful timbre of contemplation, it's as if it opens up a window for unfulfilled hopes and wishes to whisper farewell. It's a truly timeless music; able to cross a bridge reaching from the past into our own time and beyond - Ostlund.
Echoes of Times Lost by Bjørn Bolstad Skjelbred (Norway,1970 -)
Inspired by George Enescu's "Chamber Symphony" my work is also inspired by an old Norwegian folk tune, probably a psalm tune from the 17th or 18th century from Valdres: 'Oh, you beautiful years of youth, that disappear so hastily; I wanted to run on Roses and Lilies, but the world doesn't bring that kind of circumstances' - Skjelbred
Three Sketches by Aurelian Bacan (Romania, 1985 -) 
They represent my vision about time. The entire work sketches three ways of human existence: the illusory being, the mystical being and the tangible one - Bacan
Kings Place has a number of bars and restaurants in the foyer and by the canal, where you can spend a relaxing time between the lecture and the concert. Tickets can be purchased online or from the Box Office (Tel: 020 7520 1490). Come and have an inspiring and memorable evening with us !
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