Monday 19 December 2016

SAVE THE DATE | EESC public hearing on "The situation of refugees and migrants with disabilities" (Brussels, 14.02.2017)


Version française ci-dessous
PUBLIC HEARING - 14 February 2017 - Brussels
The situation of refugees and migrants with disabilities

The EESC and its Permanent Study group on Disability rights are organizing a public hearing on the situation of refugees and migrants with disabilities on 14 February 2017.
The objective of the hearing is to draw attention on the situation of refugees and migrants with disabilities, by raising awareness among organizations working with them on the rights and needs of persons with disabilities.

In the first part we will focus on the situation in Greece and will present the report and recommendations issuing from the EESC visit to Lesbos and Athens in October 2016. In the second part we will enlarge the picture and look at what the EU and civil society can do to tackle the crisis in particular with regard to vulnerable refugees and migrants.
Your presence and input are most welcome!
Venue: EESC, Room VMA 3, VMA building
Rue van Maerlant 2, 1040 Brussels
14 February 2017, 9.30 a.m. – 1.00 p.m.

AUDITION PUBLIQUE -  le 14 février 2017 - Bruxelles
 La situation des réfugiés et des migrants handicapés
Le CESE et son groupe d'étude permanent sur les droits des personnes handicapées organisent une audition publique sur la situation des réfugiés et des migrants handicapés le 14 février 2017.

L'objectif de cette audition est d'attirer l'attention sur la situation des réfugiés et des migrants handicapés en sensibilisant les organisations travaillant avec eux sur les droits et les besoins des personnes handicapées.

Dans la première partie, nous nous pencherons sur la situation en Grèce et présenterons le rapport et les recommandations émanant de la visite du CESE à Lesbos et à Athènes en octobre 2016. Dans la deuxième partie, nous allons agrandir le tableau et regarder comment l'UE et la société civile peuvent faire face à la crise en particulier en ce qui concerne les réfugiés et les migrants plus vulnérables.

Votre présence et vos contributions sont les bienvenues!
Lieu: CESE, salle VMA 3, CESE, Bâtiment VMA
Rue van Maerlant 2, 1040 Bruxelles        
le 14 février 2017, 9h30-13h00
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Saturday 17 December 2016

Fwd: SOC/547_Adoption of the opinion "CEAS Reform II" / Adoption de l'avis "Réforme du RAEC II"

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De la: "EESC - Section for Employment, Social Affairs and Citizenship" <>
Dată: 16 decembrie 2016, 13:55:37 GMT
Subiect: SOC/547_Adoption of the opinion "CEAS Reform II" / Adoption de l'avis "Réforme du RAEC II"
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Dear Madam,
Dear Sir,
At its 521st plenary session, held on 14 and 15 December 2016, the European Economic and Social Committee adopted the following opinion, available in all language versions: 
SOC/547 - CEAS Reform II
In this opinion the EESC supports further harmonisation of the Common European Asylum System (CEAS) and welcomes the proposed improvements. However, it is concerned about some limitations of fundamental rights of asylum seekers. It sets out specific recommendations on the three proposals for: the Qualification Regulation, the Common Procedure Regulation and the Standards of Reception Directive, taking into account the human rights perspective, in line with the opinion on CEAS Reform I (SOC/543)
Yours sincerely,
Pavel Trantina

President of the Section for
Employment, Social Affairs and Citizenship
Chère Madame,
Cher Monsieur,
Lors de sa 521e session plénière des 14 et 15 décembre 2016, le Comité économique et social européen a adopté l'avis suivant, disponible dans toutes les versions linguistiques:
Dans cet avis, le CESE soutient une plus grande harmonisation du régime d'asile européen commun (RAEC) et accueille favorablement les améliorations apportées. Toutefois, il s'inquiète de certaines limitations des droits fondamentaux des demandeurs d'asile. Il formule des recommandations spécifiques sur les trois propositions concernant: le règlement sur les conditions d'octroi de protection, le règlement sur la procédure commune et la directive sur les normes d'accueil, en tenant compte de la perspective des droits de l'homme, conformément à l'avis sur la réforme du REAC I (SOC/543).
Bien à vous,
Pavel Trantina
Président de la section spécialisée
Emploi, affaires sociales et citoyenneté

European Economic and Social Committee / Comité économique et social européen
Rue Belliard 99, 1040 Bruxelles

Tuesday 8 November 2016

Facilitarea ofertei educationale in Marea Britanie -un nou proiect al Societatii Romanca

Va prezint un  nou  proiect al Societatii Romanca care se deruleaza incepand cu 1 Noiembrie 2016.
Va rog sa il promovati pentru asociatiile / persoanele care pot beneficia de aceste facilitati.

Proiectul  se numeste Facilitarea ofertei educationale in Marea Britanie, este implementat de catre Societatea Romanca , in parteneriat cu 3 unitati de invatamant postliceal din Londra.
Pe scurt oferim consulatanta pentru inscrierea la scoli postliceale cu durata de 2 ani , avand posibilitatea de completaea studiilor de licenta  inca un an in universitati care fac parte din acest parteneriat , in Londra.
 Masteratul este deasemenea o optiune pentru inca un an de studiu dupa finalizarea licentei , pentru studentii care doresc acest lucru .
Posibilitatea obtinerii  burselor  de studiu  si de scolarizare  fiind deasemenea oferita si pentru anul de licenta si pentru cel de masterat.
E o sansa unica pentru studentii din Europa care doresc sa faca aceste studii in strainatate caci UK este singura tara din Europa care mai ofera burse pentru cetatenii europeni  in urmatorii 2-3 ani pana cand UK va iesi din UE.
Consulatanta oferita de care Societatea Romanca  include parcursul fiecarei etape de la inscriere la una din scolile postliceale  pana la absolvire a studentilor, detinatori de diploma de bacalaureat, indifferent de varsta,  cu urmatoarele servicii:
  • traducerea diplomei de bacalaureat a foii matricole si a altor documente necesare pentru admitere, scolarizare si bursa
  • facilitarea testului de limba engleza esential pentru admitere
  • facilitarea inscrierii la unul din termenele de admitere: ianuarie, aprilie sau septembrie la una din cele 3 scoli post liceale, la cursuri de zi sau seral  . Deci incrierile se fac in prealabil cu 1-2 luni inaintea inceperii cursurilor la termenele mentionate
  • facilitate inscrierii gratuite la cursul de limba engleza al colegiului  pentru studentii admisi
  •  posibilitatea garantata de obtinerea costurilor de scolarizare (£6000) pe durata fiecarui an ,  2 ani +1 licenta la universitate la cursurile de zi sau seral
  • posibilitatea de a obtine bursa de studiu daca studentul a lucrat cel putin 3 luni inainte de admiterea la scoala postliceala.
-In primul an studentul nu va primi bursa daca nu a lucrat in prealabil in UK , dar odata incadrat in munca se poate astepta la o bursa considerabila intre 10.000-3 000 lire pe an, depinde de vechimea in munca.
-Aceasta bursa e acordata ca un imprumut acordat de catre statul britanic  pe care studentul se obliga sa il returneze cu o rata de 4.5 % din salariu  pe luna, NUMAI daca obtine un salariu mai mare de 21 000 lire pe an,  in urmatorii 5 ani de la finalizarea scolii.
-Aceasta burse urmeaza sa se acorde in urmatorii 2-3 ani pana la iesirea UK din UE, deci este o oportunitate limitata pentru studentii din Europa,
-Oricine se inscrie in acest program in urmatorii 2-3 ani pana la ieasirea UK din UE,va finaliza scoala in aceleasi conditii de la admitere.
- facilitatrea acordarii de 50%  reduceri la abonamentul de transport public in Londra
  • in urma celor 2 ani de scoala postliceala se obtine Diploma Nivelul 5 in  in una din specializari: Managementul afacerilor, Resurse umane, Juridic si Finante /Banci
  • in urma 2 ani postliceala +1 ani se obline diploma de licenta
  • informatii si consultanta pentru  obtinerea documentelor de sedere in UK
  • facilitarea obtinerii unei chirii rezonabile in Londra
  • facilitarea retelei de informatii necesarea pentru noii veniti in Londra si acomodarea lor la realitatile acestei tari pe durata parcurgerii studiilor.

Consultanta in sine se realizeaza individual in baza unei donatii pentru Societatea Romanca , in functie de  elementele ce se doresc a fii asigurate de care Societatea Romanca pentru fiecare elev/student.

In cazul in care exista interes, eu sau colegii mei  putem veni in Romania / Europa sa facem o prezentare a acestei oferte  la unitati de invatamant  si  putem vorbi cu elevii si parintii direct.
Va rog transmiteti colegilor care ar putea beneficia de aceasta oferta.
Alternativ putem comunica pe email cu persone individuale interesate de programul de consultanta.
Cu multumiri
Ionela Flood
Societatea Romanca
0044(0) 7716195352


Tuesday 18 October 2016

Fw: RCI London Launches Its First Romanian Course for Beginners| Mon 31 Oct, 6pm | 1 Belgrave Square

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: RCI London Launches Its First Romanian Course for Beginners| Mon 31 Oct, 6pm | 1 Belgrave Square
From: Romanian Cultural Institute London
To: =?utf-8?Q??=

RCI London Launches Its First Romanian Course for Beginners| Mon 31 Oct, 6pm | 1 Belgrave Square
Let's speak românește!
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Romanian Language Course for Beginners
Starting Monday 31 October 2016, 6-8pm
Romanian Cultural Institute
1 Belgrave Square, London SW1X 8PH

We are delighted to launch our first Romanian Language Course for beginners, taught by the highly experienced Laura Manu at the welcoming premises of 1 Belgrave Square. If you wish to embark on a journey of linguistic and cultural discovery, sign up today for the best Romanian beginner's course in London. 

The course is taught in English and Romanian with coverage of the four skills of speaking, listening, reading and writing, and a balance between communicative activities, structure practice and grammar.

Course details:

Duration: 10 weeks with 1 meeting/week and 2hrs/meeting; starting on 31 October and ending on 23 January (last meeting this year on 12 December, first meeting in 2017 on 9 January). The next module will begin in February 2017.

Days & time: Mondays from 6-8pm

Venue: Romanian Cultural Institute, 1 Belgrave Square, SW1X8PH

Course materials (handouts) included in the fee, except manuals, which can be purchased from Cărţi Româneşti UK ( based on a prior order.

Course fees: £100/ 10-week module, payable into the Romanian Cultural Institute Bucharest's Euro account (more info upon registration)

Course tutor: Mrs. Laura Manu

Expression of interest / registration by email at

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Romanian Cultural Institute in London
1 Belgrave Square
London, SW1X 8PH
United Kingdom

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Wednesday 5 October 2016

Fw: Brâncuși - The Unknown Portrait| Exhibition & Talk | 12 Star Gallery, 25 Oct | free

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Brâncuși - The Unknown Portrait| Exhibition & Talk | 12 Star Gallery, 25 Oct | free
From: Romanian Cultural Institute London

Brâncuși - The Unknown Portrait| Exhibition & Talk | 12 Star Gallery, 25 Oct | free
Brancusi revealed / Exhibition & Talk

We are delighted to invite you to join us in celebrating the legacy of Romania's  modernist giant, sculptor Constantin Brancusi, through a thought-provoking exhibition of drawings by artist Raluca Popa, curated by Simona Nastac. The exhibition will be complemented by an insightful talk given by art historian Doina Lemny, in conjunction with the launch of her seminal 'Brancusi – an Artist without Frontiers'.

The exhibition continues until 4 November, Monday to Friday between 10am-6pm.

Followed by a glass of wine.


The entrance is free, but it is required to book your free ticket on Eventbrite

Copyright © 2016 Romanian Cultural Institute in London, All rights reserved.
You are receiving this newsletter because you, or someone using this email address, subscribed to the ICR London calendar of events. To unsubscribe from this email, please reply with UNSUBSCRIBE in the subject line to discontinue receiving emails from us.

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Romanian Cultural Institute in London
1 Belgrave Square
London, SW1X 8PH
United Kingdom

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